Red-necked Grebe
Podiceps grisegena
All new records
2016 |
New record (overwintering 2016/2017) 18 Dec – One was photographed in the Landing Bay (Philip & Helen Lymbery). An anonymous entry in the LFS logbook stated that the bird was still present on 23 Dec and further records from Feb to May 2017 (see below) almost certainly referred to one overwintering bird.
2017 |
New record (overwintering 2016/2017) 13 Feb to 2 May – Records of a single bird in the Landing Bay on 13 & 28 Feb, regularly from 15 to 30 Mar, and again from 9 Apr to 2 May (Dean Jones et al.) are considered to relate to an overwintering individual that had been present in the same area since December 2016 (see above). The periodic gaps between sightings were due to a combination of low observer coverage (especially Jan to mid-Feb) and spells of rough weather. By mid-Mar the grebe was already showing clear signs of breeding plumage, which had developed quite extensively by the time of its departure in early May. The 2016/2017 bird was only the 6th for the island, the first since Feb/Mar 1996, and by far the longest-staying individual. Record accepted by Devon Bird Recorder. |