Bird Sightings
June 3rd Sightings - Great-Black Backed Gull
Census counts to follow...
but for now, to follow our theme of 'large gulls', here's a Great-Black Backed Gull from Brazen Ward. The journey along the East path saw species such as Puffins, Razorbills, Guillemots, Meadow Pipits, Stonechats and Skylarks. Definitely recommended.
June 2nd Sightings - A Siskin in off the sea!
Census was completed today as well as seabird surveys.
On census, 5 Mallard, a single Feral Pigeon, single Woodpigeon, 2 Oystercatchers, 3 Kittiwakes, 6 Great-Black Backed Gulls, 221 Herring Gulls, 9 Lesser-Black Backed Gulls, 94 Guillemots, 36 Razorbills, 3 Puffins, 50+ Auk spp, single Gannet, 3 Shag, the Hooded Crow x Carrion Crow hybrid, 6 Carrion Crows, 4 Ravens, 5 Skylarks, Swallow, 2 House Martins, single Blackcap, 3 Whitethroat, 2 Willow Warblers, 2 Chiffchaffs, 13 Wrens, 56 Starlings, 10 Blackbirds, single Song Thrush, 2 Robins, single Stonechat, 8 Dunnocks, 25 House Sparrows, 3 Pied Wagtails, 8 Meadow Pipits, single Rock Pipit, 2 Chaffinches, 9 Linnets, 9 Goldfinches and a single Siskin that flew in off the sea at Benjamin’s Chair.
Seabird surveys were successful with thousands of birds flying around the sites which is incredible! And, because we love the gulls, take a look at this beautiful Lesser-Black Backed Gull!
June 1st Sightings - A Late Trickle of Migrants
The first day of June and it is fair to think that Spring migration is coming to an end which is very much true. But some migrants are still very slightly trickling through.
Census demonstrated low numbers of our long-distance spring migrants with 2 Swallows and a House Martin North, a Blackcap, 2 Willow Warblers, 4 Chiffchaffs, single Spotted Flycatcher, and 4 Whitethroats in Millcombe, and a surprise Reed Warbler was singing in Stoney Paddock. Also seen on census this morning, 5 Mallards with three ducklings on Barton’s Field; a Woodpigeon singing in Millcombe in the woods on the North side; 3 Collared Doves feeding with the chickens in the Village; an Oystercatcher and 5 Shag were in the Landing Bay; the large ‘large’ gull flocks in the fields continued with 207 Herring Gulls, 7 Lesser-Black Backed and 2 Great-Black Backed Gulls in the flocks; large flocks of auks were off Benjamin’s Chair again with 132 Guillemots, 22 Razorbills, and 3 Puffins in the rafts; 2 Rock Pipit were singing from the Ugly and Benjamin’s Chair; our dodgy Hooded Crow x Carrion Crow hybrid remained with 9 Carrion Crows and 5 Ravens around the Watertanks; 6 Skylarks were seen/heard in the fields; 10 Wrens were along the route with the majority in Millcombe; the flock of post-breeding Starlings held 52 birds; 6 Blackbirds, 6 Dunnocks, 4 Robins, 4 Chaffinches, 6 Goldfinches, and the singing Song Thrush were in Millcombe; at Rocket Pole Pond 4 Wheatears, 2 Stonechats and 3 Pied Wagtails were seen feeding; 19 Meadow Pipits and 24 Linnets were in the fields; and 18 House Sparrows were in Village.
May 31st Sightings - A Late Reed Warbler
Not much to report today but the Carrion Crow x Hooded Crow Hybrid remained on the Airfield, a Cuckoo was in Millcombe being harassed by Meadow Pipits, a very late Greenland Wheatear was on the Main Track by Quarter Wall, and a short ringing session in Millcombe resulted in the first juvenile Stonechat of the year caught in the valley alongside a late Reed Warbler that was highly unexpected and a couple of Chiffchaff and Dunnock.