Bird Sightings
April 16th Sightings – More Island Scarcities
Census was breezy with the North Westerly wind again today.
Highlights from today:
- Golden Oriole in Millcombe this morning and late afternoon with a noticeable absence throughout the middle of the day.
- Ring Ouzel pair at Quarry Cottages with the female remaining throughout the day in the vicinity but the male being very mobile.
- Yellow Wagtail spotted in Barton’s Field again today on census.
- Jackdaw – 2 over the Terraces
- Canada Goose now sat on Pondsbury and seen throughout the day.
- Ring Ouzel by the Terraces
St Helen’s Field held the flock of 8 late Redwing. Millcombe was very busy again with the single Song Thrush, 6 Dunnocks, 12 Wrens, 9 Blackbirds (2 outside this area), 2 Chaffinches, 5 Goldcrests, 6 Robins, 9 Woodpigeons, single female Blackcap. Around the coastal parts of the census included 26 Gannets, 3 Shag, 4 Great-Black Backed Gulls, 11 Lesser-Black Backed Gulls, 2 Fulmar, single Oystercatcher, single Razorbill, single Guillemot and a Peregrine. In the fields, 97 Herring Gulls, 4 Skylarks, single Mallard, 6 Greenland Wheatears and single Yellow Wagtail. Ending in the Village involved 29 House Sparrows, 7 Ravens, 29 Starlings and a Pied Wagtail. However, throughout the census visible migration overhead included 63 Swallows, 5 Meadow Pipits, 42 Linnets, single Goldfinch and 3 House Martins. Not seen on census but flying around Millcombe was a Spotted Flycatcher (first of the year found yesterday).
Alongside the Canada Goose, a pair of Mallard, pair of Teal and 6 Skylarks were noted at Pondsbury. At nearby Jenny’s Cove, 72 Kittiwakes, 17 Puffins, 6 Herring Gulls, 3 Wheatears, a single Skylark, single Wren and 51 Fulmar were seen The Terraces were quiet but still held Linnet, Wrens, Dunnocks, 4 Blackbirds, single Blackcap and 2 Oystercatchers.
A ringing session throughout the morning/early afternoon resulted in a small catch of migrants.
April 15th Sightings - A Brief Update
Highlights from a very windy NW wind today:
- Two Night Herons in Millcombe (1st summer and adult)
- Golden Oriole remains in Millcombe all day.
- Single Jackdaw in the Village
- 'New in' Canada Goose flew into the Landind Bay - the first of the year!
- 'New in' Green Sandpiper flew into Millcombe/St John's Valley - the first of the year!
Census counts this morning were completed before the rain/thick fog set in for the rest of the day. Totals included 4 Mallards, 6 Woodpigeons, 3 Oystercatchers, 17 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 4 Great Black-backed Gulls, 212 Herring Gulls, single Guillemot, single Great Northern Diver, 4 Gannet, 5 Shag, 36 Carrion Crow, 8 Ravens, 5 Skylarks, 2 Swallows, single Blackcap, single reeling Grasshopper Warbler in Millcombe, single Chiffchaff, single Goldcrest, 10 Wrens, 58 Starlings, the Golden Oriole, 6 Blackbird, single Song Thrush, 2 late Redwing, 4 Robins, 6 Wheatears, single Stonechat, 5 Dunnocks, 14 House Sparrows, a Yellow Wagtail in Barton’s Field, single Pied Wagtails, 12 Meadow Pipits, 2 Chaffinch, 21 Linnets, and 3 Goldfinches.
April 14th Sightings - More Overshoots?
Another exciting day on the island.
- A Purple Heron was seen well for 5 minutes and photographed flying along the East Coast heading North this morning. The bird is the first of the year and was a surprise sighting in the stronger SW wind. However, indication of the origin of the wind shows this bird could have been in N or W France or even N Spain yesterday.
- There was no initial sign of the Night Herons throughout the day until about 15:15. This involved a single Adult seen flying around the top of Millcombe, having previously been seen flying from Barton’s Pond. The bird was not seen to drop below the cliff and flew down through Millcombe before being lost to view. At the same time, a Night Heron adult flew along the cliff by Quarter Wall Copse and was seen heading towards Millcombe where it dropped down into the trees and went to roost for a few hours. At 18:30, whilst this adult was roosting in the tree, a brown winged 1st summer bird was seen flying over Brambles Villa East.
- There was no sign of the Golden Oriole until 16:34 when a/or a new male was seen at the bottom of Smelly Gully. The bird was flighty and quickly moved up to the top of Millcombe soon after. Like the herons, the number of people in Millcombe and surrounding areas was much higher than normal meaning this could well be a new bird from yesterday. Unfortunately, it is hard to tell.
Census counts this morning were completed before the rain/thick fog set in for the rest of the day. Totals included 4 Mallards, 4 Woodpigeons, 2 Oystercatchers, 4 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 4 Great Black-backed Gulls, 81 Herring Gulls, 146 Razorbills, 2 Great Northern Diver, single Fulmar, single Gannet, 4 Shag, single Kestrel, single Peregrine, 33 Carrion Crow, 3 Ravens, 3 Jackdaws (scarce here), 7 Skylarks, 37 Swallows, 12 Sand Martins, 8 House Martins, 8 Blackcap, 21 Willow Warblers, single Chiffchaff, single Goldcrest, 15 Wrens, 43 Starlings, 8 Blackbird, single Song Thrush, 6 now late Redwing, 5 Robins, 7 Wheatears (6 ‘greenland subspecies), single Stonechat, 7 Dunnocks, 34 House Sparrows, a Yellow Wagtail (we thought it was the first of the year but one arrived yesterday), 7 Pied Wagtails, 24 Meadow Pipits, single Chaffinch, 64 Linnets, 11 Goldfinches and 2 Siskin.
Large coverage of the island resulted in some great counts, so thank you to the 38 people who came to log yesterday. We had some nice totals of Puffins with 118 seen this morning alongside hundreds of Guillemots and Razorbills. Colour ringed Wheatears were spotted along the coast adding to the BTO RAS project, and whilst searching for rings, a male Ring Ouzel was seen. Our 4 European Teal remain on Pondsbury. Sightings from Millcombe resulted in an arrival of Willow Warblers, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest, and Blackcap and elsewhere a new Grasshopper Warbler was seen. The second Common Sandpiper of the year was seen in the Landing Bay which was a good addition to the daylist. Greenland Wheatears have started to arrive on the island so keep an eye out for these mainly on the Plateau. The first Feral Pigeon of the year was seen today, and a House Sparrow was seen at the Terraces (a new migrant?).
A ringing session throughout the morning/early afternoon resulted in a small catch of migrants.
April 13th Sightings - Night Herons
An exciting day started with the surprise appearance of two Night Herons at the bottom of Millcombe. One of which was almost certainly sat on the ringing chair, with the other only a metre away on the grass near the Gas Store. The birds were flighty and unsettled, moving between potential roost spots throughout the day. Luckily, for the first boat of the year, visitors had good views as one made a flyby over the Landing bay on their arrival. The birds were aged as an adult and a 1st summer bird. They represent the 5th island record and the 1st multiple record of this species. The last record was in 2007.
Thinking the arrival of the herons was very good, visiting birder Tony Taylor found a very stunning adult male Golden Oriole on the first tree in Millcombe. The bird quickly went to the Blackthorn where it was seen feeding on and off all day. The bird remained until the afternoon but because rather mobile and elusive as the day went on.
Census counts this morning were completed before the rain/thick fog set in for the rest of the day. Totals included 6 Woodpigeons, single Oystercatchers, 6 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 2 Great Black-backed Gulls, 150 Herring Gulls, 4 Razorbills, single Great Northern Diver, single Fulmar, single Gannets, 17 Shag, single Peregrine, 24 Carrion Crow, 5 Ravens, 6 Skylarks, 20 Swallows, 2 Blackcap, 2 Grasshopper Warblers, 13 Willow Warblers, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrests, 11 Wrens, 24 Starlings, 5 Blackbird, single Song Thrush, 3 Redwing, 4 Robins, 4 Wheatears (1 Greenland Wheatear), single Stonechat, 3 Dunnocks, 18 House Sparrows, 2 Pied Wagtails, 13 Meadow Pipits, single Chaffinches, 87 Linnets and 12 Goldfinches.
Good coverage of the island today resulted in some nice seabird counts, a single White Wagtail and Sandwich Tern.
A ringing session before the fog and breeze picked up resulted in a small catch.